MobileMap supports offline reporting of stand summary statistics. These statistics can be useful for evaluating stand attributes while in the field. They include a range of statistics calculated from the plot and tree data collected for a single stand. Stand summary statistics do not currently include log-level information. The following metrics are included in a stand summary report.
- Stand Acres
- Plot size
- Number of plots
- Number of measured plots
- Total number of 'in' trees
- Number of tallied trees
- Number of measured trees
- Ratio of measured trees to total
- Measured trees by species (total trees, ratio)
- Trees per plot average
- Trees per plot standard error (%)
- Trees per plot min (95% CI)
- Trees per plot max (95% CI)
- Basal Area average
- Basal Area standard error (%)
- Basal Area min (95% CI)
- Basal Area max (95% CI)
- Basal Area by species
- TPA average
- TPA by species
- QMD average
- QMD by species
- Volume average (per acre)*
- Total volume*
- Volume standard error (%)*
- Volume min (per acre, 95% CI)*
- Volume max (per acre, 95% CI)*
- Volume (per acre) by species*
* Required an specifically formated tree volume database. More details on generating this database can be provided upon request
Generate Stand Summary
Steps to generate a stand summary for a stand after measuring plots
- Select edit tool
- Select stand layer
- Tap on desired stand to open
- Select the Plots Tool
- Select 'Stand Summary'
- You will see a message telling you that MobileMap is calculating the stand summary. Stand summaries can take several minutes to complete if there are a large number of plots and trees.
- Once the stand summary is complete, it will open in an new screen. The screen is split in 2 sections, each one can be scrolled up and down. The top contains stand level summary statistics, while the bottom contains details on each measured plot.
- To save the stand summary, tap 'Save'. MobileMap will save the stand summary information (top section of screen shown above) to a text file stored in the Downloads folder of your internal storage. You can use a text viewer on your device to open and read this report, or send it via mail, copy to a PC, etc.
In order to successfully configure MobileMap to support Stand Summaries, the following settings must be properly set:
Settings > MobileMap Cruise > General
- Use Tree Sampling
- Check box to indicate that tree sampling may be used to determine if a tree should be measured rather than tallied. When enabled, MobileMap will alert cruiser when recording the nth tree so cruiser knows to measure DBH, height, etc. Complete settings below to define the sampling type field and values representing the different supported sampling types"
- Stand-Level Sample Type Field
- Name of field in the Stands table that stores the type of sampling (if any) should be used for a given plot. Default field name is 'Sample_Type'. MobileMap expects that this field will use a coded value domain with the following values for supporting sampling types: BB = Big BAF, STR = Sample Tree Ratio, FTN = First Tree North, PCM = Point Count or Measure, None = no sampling."
- Plot-Level Sample Type Field
- Name of field in the Plots table that stores the type of sampling (if any) should be used for a given plot. For 'Point Count Measure' approach, sample type at the Stand level will be used to set plots to Count or Measure. Default field name is 'Sample_Type'. MobileMap expects that this field will use a coded value domain with the following values for supporting sampling types: BB = Big BAF, STR = Sample Tree Ratio, FTN = First Tree North, PCMC = PCM Count, PCMM = PCM Measure, Tally = all trees tallied (same as PCMC, all trees counted and not measured) None = no sampling (same as PCMM, all trees measured)."
- Tree-Level Sample Type Field Name and Values
- Name of field in the Trees table (field name should be different than plot-level sample type field) that stores whether tree is a Measure tree or a Tally tree, and the values representing 'measure' and 'tally'. Use colons to separate 3 components. Typically the values will come from a coded value domain assigned to this field. Default field name is 'Sample' and values are 'M' and 'T' (e.g., 'Sample:M:T',without quotes). Note, cannot use non-nullable fields for fields like DHB or Height, since tally trees do not require these measurements (Species and Tally or Count can be non-nullable).
Settings > MobileMap Cruise > Stand & Plot Summaries
- Enable Calculation of Stand
- Check box to enable calculation of stand summaries including BA, TPA and QMD
- Enable Calculation of Plot Summary
- Check box to enable calculation of plot summaries including BA, TPA
- Minimum DBH for average tree per plot calculation
- Minimum DBH for determining if a tree should be included in the average tree per plot calculation in stand summary. Default is zero, increasing this value can prevent small trees from having strong impact on average trees per plot calculation."
- Nested Plots
- Check box to indicate that a nested plot design is used. Nested plots are small fixed radius plots used to measure smaller trees. Use the fields below to indicate the DBH cutoff and area of the nested plot"
- BAF Limiting DBH
- Minimum DBH of trees measured on variable radius plots when nested plot design used
- Nested Plot Area
- Area of nested plot in fraction of an acre. For a 1/200th acre plot (radius 8.33 ft) use '200' (no quotes)"
Settings > MobileMap Cruise > Volume Calculation
- Tree Volume Database File Name
- Name of the SQLite database file name to use when calculating volumes (default is 'fvs_nvel_volume.sqlite') and 'dubbing' tree heights. Database file should be stored in folder named 'Volume' in the main data directory (e.g., '/storage/1234-5678/MobileMap/Volume')
- USFS Region
- Select the USFS Region for volume calculations
- USFS Forest
- Enter the nearest USFS Forest 3-number code (e.g. 103 for Bitterroot National Forest) for volume calculations. If volume database created using Region default rather than forest-specific equations, use '1' (no quotes) for region.
- Volume Unit
- Select the volume unit to use when calculating tree volumes.